This initiative is intended to complement and expand the important and impactful ongoing work of each of our consortium institutions and of other organizations that are assisting academics at risk. We see our initiative as an appropriate way for universities to stand against the threats to our core values of free inquiry and academic freedom.
New School Resources
Endangered Scholars Worldwide
Endangered Scholars Worldwide is an initiative founded on the conviction that academic freedom and freedom of inquiry are basic human rights. We are dedicated to raising public awareness and support for intellectuals, academics, researchers, and students who have been threatened, silenced, or imprisoned simply for doing their scholarly work or speaking out against the injustices around them. In 2007, responding to the wrongful imprisonment of one of our New School colleagues (who was also a Social Research author) in Iran and the political sentencing and imprisonment of a New School for Social Research alumnus in Ethiopia, we made the decision to devote a section of our journal Social Research to raising awareness of endangered and imprisoned scholars around the world. Endangered Scholars Worldwide honors the motivating vision of the first University in Exile at The New School.